报告人:Prof. Lars Eriksson, 瑞典 林雪平大学 车辆工程系
Lars Eriksson was born in Edsbyn, Sweden in 1970. He received the M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering 1995 and the PhD degree in Vehicular Systems in May 1999 both from from Linköping University. During 2000 and 2001 he spent one year as a post doc in the Measurement and Control group at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich. Since then he has been employed at Vehicular Systems first as Assistant Professor then as Associate Professor and now as Full Professor.
Professor Eriksson is currently managing the engine laboratory at vehicular systems. His research interests are modeling, simulation, and control of internal combustion engines for vehicle propulsion in general, but with a focus on downsizing and supercharging concepts for improved fuel economy. His contributions are foremost on engine control and control oriented modeling of combustion engines. However, the research interest spans from the broad area of energy efficient vehicle propulsion into in-cylinder processes, where his research was the first to demonstrate real-time control of the combustion timing using information obtained from the ion current. He has published one book, three book chapters, and 123 international peer reviewed conference and journal papers. As the manager of the engine laboratory he has developed a well-established network of contacts with research groups both in academia and in industry. Professor Eriksson is also active in the academic societies and is currently the Chair for IFAC Technical Committee 7.1 on Automotive Control. He is also Associate Editor for the Elsevier journal Control Engineering Practice, and has served as Adjoint Technical Editor for several conferences such as for example the IFAC World Congresses 2011 and 2014 and Advances in Automotive Control 2008, 2011, E-COSM 2006, 2009, 2012, 2015.